When the Contact form opens, the cursor is on the Find box so you can use a barcode scanner to enter the
ContactID of a record you want to find. The other fields that are searched are in the status bar in the
lower left corner of the window: Find in | ContactID | ContactType | LastName, FirstName | HomePhone | CellPhone | Phone
| CurrentLocation | Street | City | Zip | ActivityLevel | Comment | SEL |. Use the pipe symbol (vertical | bar) to separate
multiple fields or mark the start or end of a field and reduce false hits. Find for |SEL| to find records where
the Sel checkbox is checked. The record counter in the lower left of the form shows how many records you have
found. Click the Find box to clear it and find all records again. The Contact combo lets you pick a specific
contact, you can use the < Prev and > Next buttons in the upper right corner of the form, or use the PageDown
and PageUp keys to navigate through the recordset.
SelAll sets the Sel checkbox in all records in the found recordset to true. Clear x SelRecs sets them
to false. These features are additive so you could find for Dallas, SelAll, find for Fort Worth, SelAll
and repeat the process Arlington, Garland, Irving, Plano, Allen, Denton, Frisco, Grand Prairie,
McKinney, Mesquite and Richardson to find the larger cities in the DFW metroplex. Similarly, you could
find |Smith|, Clear x Sel Recs, find |Jones|, Clear x Sel Recs and exclude all whose last name was either
Smith or Jones. If you don't mind also clearing 2013 BlackSmith Way, you could omit the pipe symbol
delimiters. By entering keywords in the Comment field, you can quickly select marketing groups for
your business.
You can use the complex selections to create reports, export data, delete or edit records.
If you enter an exclamation point ! in the Comment field, it is highlighted pink. This helps the user
remember to ask a question while the customer is available.
The Del button can be reserved for users with Super user access or not.
If you click the blue links like ContactType, ActivityLevel, City, ST, Zip, CurrentLocation or BestPhone,
you can add to or edit the values that appear in the combo box. Use ContactType to identify parishioner,
Next of Kin (NOK), Pastor, Staff, Staff Admin, Deacon, or Volunteer. ActivityLevel ranges from Emergent
to Deceased or Complete. The comment field on the Combo form shows how often visits are normally conducted for
an ActivityLevel. CurrentLocation may be a hospital room where the contact is currently staying.