The Accession form is where patient data is entered. The colored area at the top of the form
helps you find a specific record. The form opens with the cursor in the Find box.
Status bar help above the start button shows: Find string in
| AccessionID | AccessionNo | Patient | NPINo | PanelID | Confirm | Status | B-Batch | Cust | TMRecID | P-TMPID | Comment | SEL |.
If you put vertical bars | around a search term, it will find exact matches for that term. If you begin
the search term with |, it will find fields that start with your search term. If you don't use the vertical
bars, any record that contains the term anywhere in a field will be included. All forms in the database that
have a Find box work the same way. See the status bar or hover over the box to see the yellow tool tip help
for specific fields in the Find criteria.
The Accession combo lets you find a specific record in the filtered recordset. PgUp or PgDown keys move to
the previous or next record as do the < and > buttons in the upper right corner of the form.
The gray area in the middle of the form is for data entry. Grayed out fields like AccessionID are read only.
Click the blue link to the left of any combo box to edit the values available in the combo. Click Clip to
copy data in the form to the clipboard to paste into the LCMS report template. Click Template to open the
template. You can specify the LCMS Template on the Setup form.
Click No to the left of Patient if you don't know the patient's SSN and one will be generated. The NPINo
link lets you search for a provider's NPI number online. NoNPINo lets you genrate an NPINo.
Patient, Practitioner, Meds, Doc, Sel Form, Panel, Confirm, Payment, Log and Correction buttons open
subforms in the lower part of the form.
The SelAll link at the bottom of the form checks Sel for all accessions in the currently found recordset.
ClearSel unchecks all the checked Sel boxes in the current recordset. Clear All clears all Sel checkboxes
in the Accession table. The number of records in the current recordset is shown in the lower left of the form.
Super users see a Del button to delete records. The Copy button copies the current accession to another
record and places you on that record. New adds a new blank record and Exit closes the form back to the Main menu.
The Accession form opens to the Patient subform where you can enter data about the patient. TMPID is the
key to an external system so you can relate records for import and export.
Click Practitioner to edit the doctor's info keyed to NPINo. If you enter ! in the Comment field, it is
highlighted yellow.
Click Meds to enter the sample collection data, meds the patient is taking and ICD10 conditions for which
the patient is being treated. Check the box on each med to enter its correct spelling into the box. Click
ICD10 to see an extended description of the code. SG and Creatinine info lets you analyze the specific
gravity and creatinine properties of the urine sample to identify possible diluted samples.
Click Doc to store scanned documents related to the accession. Scan the doc into the Scan Folder you set
on the Setup form. Store the file as the Scan File name you specify on the Setup form. Click New Doc on
the Doc form, enter a two character DocType and the app will move the file to the Doc Folder, name it
correctly and create a link to it. Click Doc Type to see or edit valid two character Doc Types. Click
Del Doc to delete a Doc record.
Click Sel Form to open the Sel form. Here, you can filter the recordset by Category, Cust, Status, Batch
and Accession Date (Created) range. Click the column header to sort by AccessionNo, Patient, DOB, Status,
Batch, Collected, Clinic, BillBatch, PatientID or Sel. Click the link a second time to sort descending.
Select a Status and click Change Status To to set Sel accessions to the new status.
CLick Batch or BillBatch to add a new batch or bill batch and set Sel records to that batch.
Click HL7 O to create HL7 Orders and PDF of the Tox report for Sel accessions.
Click HL7 ORU to create HL7 ORU segments and the Tox report PDF for Sel accessions. Check Lifepoint
to send HL7 ORUs to Lifepoint folder instead of HL7 Out folder specified on the Setup form. These HL7
ORU segments use an Encode64 function to transfer the PDF attachment to and from Base64 format.
Click Accession to open the Accession form to the current record.
Click Tox to create a Tox report for the current record. Check Screening Only to show only screening
(Pos/Neg) results.
Click DNA CSV to create a .CSV file in the DNA folder specified on the Setup form. Only 80 samples will
be exported at a time, a limit of the test machine.
The Rpt button opens the Report form to view reports for Sel recs.
The Panel subform lets you select screening tests for the panel you selected in the Panel combo at the
top of the Accession form. You can also enter P (positive), N (negative) or E (equivocal) as a result
and a comment about each test. Click All Neg to set all recs to negative for this patient and panel.
The Confirm subform lets you select tests to run and enter results for the Confirm panel you selected on
the top of Accession form. Unlike the screening Panel, you can enter quantities measured. If the quantity
is within the measurable threshold set on the Test form, results will be P for positive.
The Payment subform is for payment, employment, insurance and sales infomation.
The Log subform lets you enter as many 255 character text lines as you want about an accession.
Correction copies the current accession to a new record and places you on that record so you can
correct the data. Comments on both records refer to the other record so you can trace corrections.