Click WO on the Main menu to open the Work Order form. The colored area at the top of the form helps you find a record.
The Find box filters the recordset to reduce the number of records and make
them easier to find. The Status Bar shows help for each text box. You can use the vertical bar | and tilde ~ to delimit the start
and end of fields to find. You can find by WorkOrderID, WorkOrderNo, ProjectNo (Store), Problem stated in the work order, Status,
Contat, Comment or find records where the Sel (select) checkbox is true. The WO combo lets you choose an individual record from
the records. The < and > buttons move to the previous or next record. The PgDn key also moves to the next record and PgUp moves
to the previous record.
You can enter date fields like 6/30 23:59 for the current year or 6/30/2014
for the previous year. Notice the status bar text as you
tab through the text fields. Each checkbox, combo, command button and blue
label link shows a tool tip if you hover over it
for a second. If you click the blue ServiceID form, it opens the Service
form to the record where ServiceID=49 in the example above.
Status progresses from ReCeiVed, DISpatched, ACKnowledged, SCHeduled, REMinded
the day before service, FOLlowed up the day after scheduled, CoMPleted, Proof of
Service received, INVoiced, AUDited, PaiD, ARChived. Exceptions may be ReSCheduled,
Cancelled by Store (CXL), Cancelled by Cleanup (CXC) or DECLined by the vendor.
Status is generally changed by the Import processes.
Stores are assigned to a default crew on the CrewService form. Services that are
exceptions to the default store can be assigned to a different crew on the CrewService form.
On the Work Order form, you can assign a particular job to a
different crew. The work order must be assigned to a crew to automatically create
The blue SelAll link in the lower left of the form checks the Sel checkbox for all records shown
in the recordset. Find for Parking Lot and SelAll
would mark all records containing the words Parking Lot in the Problem field so you
could create a report for the contractor who maintains the parking lot.
Clear xxx Sel recs works similarly, but sets Sel to False for the records in a
recordset. When you change a record, it is timestamped with your userid. Alt-Z
on a record shows who last updated the record and when. SelMine lets you select
records you updated x minutes ago. This lets you undo changes more easily.
If you want to enter notes about a work order, you can use the Log form. If a log
entry exists, the link will show 1 Log instead of log. If you want to show links
to scanned Proof Of Service documents, you can enter them on the WODetail form.
Blue links for Store, ServiceID, Status, Crew and CheckNo open those forms.