Click Report on the Main menu to open Report form. Select from the reports in the combo box. You can view reports before you print them by using View button. Use File, Print to send a viewed report to any printer on your network. If you install Primo PDF or Adobe Acrobat, you can save the report as a PDF.
The Print button sends the report to your default printer.
Scores are based on the weight and number of questions answered Yes. You can select one or all Audits and one or all Offices.
Scores are based on the weight and number of questions answered Yes. You can select one or all Audits and one or all Examiners.
This lists the comments and score for questions grouped by section. You can select one or all audits,
offices and sections.
This lists Score by Question for one or all audits, offices and questions.
Shows score by section with total for one or all audits at one or all offices.
Print the Question List for each person who takes the survey. Check the detail box to see the question id
and standard question id to simplify troubleshooting.