Click Setup on the Main menu to open the Setup form. This is where you set global system wide settings.
To view files in the DocFolder, click Dir to the right of the DocFolder field. To view raw table data for any table, select the table in the Table combo and click View. If you are a super user, you can edit the Contact table. You can export any table to CSV, DBF (dBase, FoxPro or Clipper), HTM for web browsers, MDB for MSAccess, RTF for Microsoft Word, SNP for MS Access, TXT or XLS for Microsoft Excel. The format
is based on the extension you provide in the filename.
You can enter an SQL SELECT statement into the SQL box and click View to see the results. Click Sel to select the records viewed. The blue Help link is a brief SQL tutorial and tells how to use a few functions that allow you to select donors.
The TblDoc link creates a data dictionary and shows the help for each field in the database.
Click User on the Setup form to open the User form.
More info on setting up users
Click Link to change where the data tables are located. This is handy if you need to run the database on a laptop or flash drive.
Click Backup to save a copy of the data tables to another drive. This is a good practice when you are selecting and adding to events and groups.
Click Quit to force users out of the database for maintenance.
After you get all other users out of the system, you can Compact the data tables database. This is similar to defragging your hard drive. It rebuilds indexes and writes data in an efficient format. It also completely deletes records marked for deletion. If you are making lots of changes, you may need to compact the database every week or two.
Click Event on the Setup form to open the Event form. Here you can set up events that will occur on a specific date. Click Sel Where Seats Don't Match to set Sel to true for contacts where the number of seats at the event does not match the number of guest plus the contact.
Click Sel x Contacts to Sel the contacts who have paid to attend this event in the Contact table. Using this, you can easily add them to a larger group who gets letters or a name tag. Click Clear x to clear Sel for the attendees of this event. Click ClearAll to clear all contacts in the Contact table.
Click DataIntegrity on the Setup form to open the Data Integrity form. This form links to queries that let you identify problems with your data, such as duplicate names in the Contact table or missing info. Each query is described clearly and the way to correct the data is proposed. Click Calc1 to calculate how many records have the problem or click Calc to calculate the number of problems for each query. The SQL link shows the raw SQL of the query so you know why records appear in the list. Click View to view the records in a query, Export to export them to CSV, DBF, HTM, MDB, RTF, SNP, TXT or XLS. Click Sel to select the records. If the problems are contacts, you can click ViewSel on the Contact form to quickly edit and fix the records.
Click SelContacts on the Setup form to select contacts individually on a continuous form. As with any continuous form throughout the system, if you click the blue link at the top of the column, it sorts by ascending order. Click the link again to sort descending. Alt-Z shows who and when the record was last changed.