Click Setup on the Main menu to see the Setup form. Enter your company contact info such as
Texas Workers Comp, 123
Houston St, Dallas, TX 75243
and ImportFolder.
You can click on any blue links on the form. Hover over them to see what they do. Website browses
to your website. ImportFolder opens your import folder so you can drag files into it.
To view any raw table in the system, select it in the Table combo and click View or to export it to
CSV, DBF (dBase, FoxPro, Clipper), HTM (for web browsers), MDB (Access), RTF (Word or WordPad), SNP
(free Access reader from Microsoft), TXT or XLS (Excel) formats.
Click Edit to open a form to edit the records in a table. The New button will be disabled if a
related form must be open to add a new record. For example, New on the Visit form might be disabled
if Service isn't open.
While viewing a table, you can drag the column headers into the order you want, highlight several
columns together and right click, sort A-Z or Z-A. When you are done viewing, answer NO when asked
if you want to save the table layout.
Click TblDoc to create a data dictionary defining all fields in the database application. This HTML
file is opened in the user's browser. The description property shown in TblDoc appears as StatusBar text
on forms.
Click Exp Merge to create an Excel spreadsheet of projects in the Export Folder.
The database can import contact data from Outlook and export to Outlook. This lets you
synchronize with Outlook.
Click Status to open the Status form.
Click Inspector to open the Inspector form.
The User form lets the Super user add or edit users. Normal users are limited in the data they can
edit on themselves, but they can change their password here. After confirming the password, be sure
to click Email or UserName instead of pressing the Enter or Tab keys. This allows the encrypted passwords in
the MDW file on your c: drive to be copied to the server so you can log in anywhere.
Enter the signature file that will be used on letters. Normally RAS users will use their first name
and store the file in the folder where the data tables are stored. This signature is normally a .GIF.
Administrative users who send letters for multiple RAS users should use INSP for the signature. This
will use the signature for the assigned inspector.
Click Link to change where the data tables are located. If you see the box asking where the data tables
are upon opening the database, you may have a network error and should call for support to avoid
storing your work in the wrong location.
Backup quickly saves a copy of the data tables to another location such as a flash drive.