Click Check on the Main form to open the Check form. The Check form shows payments made to nursing facilities for services.
To filter the recordset, enter a CheckID, Hospice, Nursing Facility, CheckDate, ~CheckNo or Comment. By using both
Find boxes, you can create complex selections. Click SelAll to select all records in the recordset. Click Clear
x Sel recs to clear all records in the recordset (not the entire Check table). Click SelMyRecs to select the
records that you have edited within a date and time range. You can click Count to count the records that will
be selected.
Click a blue column head link, CheckID, Hospice, NF (Nursing Facility), Yr, CheckDate, CheckNo, Total, Uncommitted
or Sel to sort ascending by that column. Click the link again to sort descending.
The blue x GL link in the lower right of the form shows the number of General Ledger records that are related
to the check. Click the x GL link to see the records.