The Service form lets you track individual services provided to a patient.
To filter the recordset, enter a find string in the Find box. To further filter the recordset, you can enter another
criteria in the Find2 box. For example, if you enter Jones, Jane in the Find box and 2011~ in Find2, you would see
records where ServiceTo was in the year 2011 for the patient Jane Jones. The navigation buttons in the lower left
of the form show how many records were found and let you scroll through the records. You can also us PageUp
and PageDown to scroll through the records. As you move through the records, you will see the record number
change to show your position in the recordset.
If you click in the Find box, the status bar above the Start button reminds you to Find
in: | ServiceID | Hospice | 20YrMo | Patient | NF | SvcTo ~ DepositID - PatientID | Comment | SEL |. The pipe
symbols (vertical bar |) let you show the end of a field. Find for |Austin| would find
the hospice Austin, but not the patient Jon Austin. Find for |SEL| to find records where
the Sel checkbox is checked.
To sort by a field, click the blue link at the top of the column. Click a second time to
sort in descending order. You can sort on ServiceID, Hospice, YrMo, Patient, NF, SvcTo,
DepositID, R, ARBalance or APBalance.
Services cover a date range (SvcFrom to SvcTo) and are for a patient located at a
Nursing Facility (NF) at a Hospice. Days is the number of days the service was provided.
Applied Income (AI) is the patient's share of the monthly cost. If a month has 30 days
and Applied Income is $600, the daily applied income would be $600 / 30 or $20 per day.
RUG is the code used to determine Hospice RUG Rate. Hospice RUG Rate is the daily amount
allowed by Medicaid. NF RUG Rate is the daily amount payable to the nursing facility.
At the bottom of the form are HospiceTotBeforeAIAdj = Days * Hospice RUG Rate
and NFTotalBeforeAIAdj = Days * NF RUG Rate.
HospiceAmt/DayAfterAI is the Hospice RUG Rate minus the daily amount deducted for AI. In
the example above, AI is $1379.25 and there are 31 days in the month. Daily AI is $44.49.
HospiceAmt/DayAfterAI is $153.07 - $44.49 = $108.56.
Likewise, NFAmt/DayAfterAIAdj is the NF RUG Rate - the daily amount deducted for AI.
In the example, it would be $161.11 - $44.49 = $116.62.
AR Due From MCD = Days * HospiceAmt/DayAfterAI = 4 * $108.56 = $423.23 when carried to 6 digit precision.
APToNF = Days * NFAmt/DayAfterAIAdj = 4 * $116.62 = $466.48.
AmtMCDPdToHospice is the actual amount paid by Medicaid. ARBalance is the amount due
from Medicaid. APBalance is the amount still due do the nursing facility.
DepositID relates to the deposit record where Medicaid paid for this service. R in the R
column indicates that the record is reconciled and locked. If a user tries to change a
reconciled record, they will be told who to see to change it. Alt-Z to see who changed
the record last and when the record was changed.
Click the blue 1 GL link to see the GL transaction for this record. If the link is GL, there
is no GL record, but you can click the link and add one. You can also use the Pay button to
create GL transactions for Sel records and mark them paid to the NF. The GL record relates
the service to a check where the nursing facility is paid and is usually created automatically
when the APSummary report is closed.
To import services from Excel, put the spreadsheet into the ImportFolder specified on the
Setup form, select the file in the combo to the left of the Imp button at the bottom of the
Service form and click Imp. To see a sample spreadsheet, click Imp without selecting a file.
If the imported file is in ANSI 835 format, put the file in the import folder, name the file
with the extension of .TXT and check the EDI box. Click Imp to import the file. This will open
the EDIService form where you can adjust transactions. The EDI file doesn't provide info about
Nursing Facility or Hospice. If a patient is in the system with only one nursing facility,
that nursing facility will be used. If the PatientID is in the service table, the most recent
nursing facility for that PatientID will be used.
EDI transactions are either Appends (one transaction for a patient and SvcTo) or Takebacks
(more than one transaction per patient and SvcTo). To help reconcile takebacks, Service table
transactions for that patient and YrMo or SvcTo are shown at the top of the EDI Service form.
You can change the Comment or Sel fields in the Service transactions. Uncheck Sel on any
transactions you don't want to import.
When EDI transactions are correct, click Add Takebacks to Service, then toggle to Show Appends
and click Add Appends to Service to add the selected transactions. If you need to close the
EDIService form, click EDISvc on the Service form to reopen it. EDIService data is stored in
the user's local database, not the shared tables. This lets multiple users resolve EDI
transactions. If you accept a new database software update while you are working on an
EDI batch, you will have to import it again. It is best to complete the Add Appends and
Add Takebacks before taking the new database update.
The Copy on the Service form button lets you copy an entire month. Enter the SvcFrom and
SvcTo dates of the new month and confirm copy of the current month to the new month.
The Del button deletes the current service record and its related GL records. If the nursing
facility has been paid, you will be told who to see to delete the record.
In the lower left of the Service form, the blue Count Sel recs link shows how many records
have the Sel checkbox checked. The number will appear in the Clear x Sel recs link. To
select all records in the recordset, click SelAll. If the recordset has been filtered
using the Find boxes, you can do very specialized Sel operations such as finding all
records for a patient between 2010 and 2012. Clear x Sel recs also works with the filtered
recordset to set the Sel checkbox to false. The Sel My Recs link lets you select records
you have updated within a date and time range. You can click Count to count them before
you select them. This lets you quickly undo a bulk update operation.
The blue Deposit Sel Recs link lets you quickly update the DepositID for Sel records.
The CopyWeek link lets you copy records for a single nursing facility that cover the same
seven day period. Before you confirm, you will be asked for the DepositID and SvcFrom date.
The TakebackSelRecs creates a service record that negates each of the selected records
and create another service at a new RUG rate. You will be asked for the RUG, new hospice
RUG rate and DepositID.
CopyMultiple lets you copy Sel records. You will be asked for a DepositID and SvcFrom
and SvcTo dates.