Click Setup on the Main menu to see the Setup form. Select the Contact to be used on reports. Blue links on the form work like command buttons. Hover over the link or button to see it does.

Edit vendor contact info used on the Action form in the Contact form.

Edit commodities used on the Action form in the Commodity form. Units may be CY (cubic yard), Gallon, Oz (ounce) and Ton.

The User form lets the Super user add or edit users.

More info on setting up users

Click Link to change where the data tables are located. If you see the box asking where the data tables are upon opening the database, you may have a network error and should call for support to avoid storing your work in the wrong location.

Backup quickly saves a copy of the data tables to another location such as a flash drive.

Compact rebuilds the indexes, repairs and reduces the size of the tables database. This requires exclusive access to the database, so it is best done after work. If you change lots of data, you will notice improved performance if you compact weekly.
