Click Property on the Main menu to open the Property form. The find box lets you filter
the recordset by | PropertyID | Street | City | State | Zip | Subdivision | MLSNo | Comment | PropertyEntryDate
| CURR|PRIOR | SALE ~ Agent | TRACK | DoNotMail | TIER2 | SEL |. The vertical bar and tilde let you find for specific
fields beginning or ending with your find string. Use both delimiters to limit your search to
the exact contents of a field.
Use Group and Sel All at the bottom of the form to select all properties in marketing groups
that you have set up. Using groups, you can save your selections for recurring reports.
The blue links at the top of the form let you sort the records by Sel, Street, Street Name,
Property, City, State, Zip, Subdivision, School District and other fields. Click the link
a second time to sort descending. Hover over the link for two seconds to see the exact search
in a tool tip.
When the property becomes a listing, click New Listing or New Transaction at the bottom
of the form. Links at the bottom of the form also let you edit the Listings or Contacts
associated with the Property. Use Copy Listing to copy an existing listing.