Nonprofit Social Service Charity program in Fort Worth, Arlington, and Irving

Click Setup on the Main menu to see the Setup form. Enter the street, city, such as Dallas, and other info.

The DocFolder is where scanned documents are stored.

Some reports show the number of households who received a First Service within a date range. The FirstSvc field lets you specify the date of that First Service. If a household receives more social services after that date, only the first one will be counted as a First Service. If the household received a service before the FirstSvc date, an additional service will count as a First Service.

People who are as old as the Elderly field will be counted in elderly statistics on reports.

You can view (read only) or export any table in the system using the Table combo. You can move fields around and sort the records on any combination of those fields. Ctrl-F to find specific records in the field.

The TblDoc link creates an HTML data dictionary that defines every field in the system.

User opens the User form where users can change passwords and administrators can add, change or delete users.

More info on setting up users

Click Link to change the location of the tables database. This lets you connect to old archives, training data, or use the database on a stand alone laptop. Backup quickly saves a copy of the data tables to another location such as a flash drive.

Click Quit to force users out of the database for maintenance.

Compact rebuilds the indexes, repairs and reduces the size of the MS Access tables database.

You can manage the FoodCost, Income, Service and Zip tables by clicking their respective links.

Nonprofit Social Service Charity application in Richardson, Frisco, and Fort Worth,Texas

Click Combo to open Combo Form. From here, you can edit fifteen tables that are used as combo boxes in the system. This gives you a great deal of flexibility in customizing your forms and reports to your area. Some combo fields include: Income Level, Income Type, Referral Agency, Referral Category, Race, Education, Ethnicity, Marital Status, Age Group, and Followup Result.

Nonprofit Social Service Charity application in McKinnney, Irving, and Plano

The Data Integrity Form contains at least 26 queries that help you spot data inconsistencies. Each shows the user who last updated the record, and if appropriate, when the household last received a service and the total value of services that household received. If the problem can be fixed easily by the system, you'll see a Fix button. Click Calc to rerun all the queries. The Data Integrity form lets users enter data without slowing down to track down incomplete or unavailable information. It highlights missing data that keeps valuable services from appearing on reports. This helps you justify donations to the nonprofit charity. It is very easy to add more data integrity queries as the need arises.
