2. Copy the files from the full installation zip file (PFG.mdb, PFGDat.mdb, PFG_.mdw and ageebk.mdw) into the shared folder. 3. On the page where you download the full release, you'll see where the data tables should be located (Ex: z:\PFGDat.mdb). You can have the developer change that path if you need to. Map that drive on the server. Create a shortcut on the server by double clicking the database, Z:\PFG.mdb. This is a good time to log in as the super user and create new user accounts for all your users. After you have added the new users, make sure AgeeBk.mdw and PFG_.mdw have the same file date. If they don't match, delete the oldest file and copy the newest file. 4. On each PC, map a drive letter to the shared folder (NET USE Z: \\MyServer\Work, where MyServer is the name of your server). You may use a common user account to map the drive. (NET USE Z: \\MyServer\Work /USER:dbuser secretpassword where dbuser is an account you created on the server and secretpassword is that user's password). 5. On each user's PC, copy the database front end and MDW file from the server. COPY Z:\PFG.mdb C:\Work COPY Z:\PFG_.mdw C:\Work Double click c:\work\PFG.mdb to create a PFG shortcut on the user's desktop. 6. Test the shortcut with the user's login info. If you get a macro security warning, follow the steps at http://agesw.com/macro.htm. To customize the shortcut to a specific user, right-click and select Properties. Change user in the far right of the Target to the user's userid. 2. Drag the files to the server and replace the old files. 3. Run the database on the server. If you don't have a shortcut on your desktop to do this, rename your existing PFG shortcut to PFG On C, then double click PFG.mdb on the server to create a new shortcut. Rename that shortcut PFG on Svr for future use. When you open the database on the server, it will ask if you want to tell others that the new version is available. Answer Yes and close the database. 4. Use your PFG on C shortcut to open your local copy of the database. It should tell you there is a new version on the server. If you answer Yes to download it, the database will close. In about 30 sec, the minimized DOS window will disappear from your taskbar and you can start the updated version of the database. |